Showing 497–512 of 716 results
Mary S.
Gender: Female
Born: July 12, 2014
Mary was born in Freetown. She attends primary school and is in class 4. Her mother died...
Gender: Female
Born: January 18, 2013
Mary was born in Mabendu. She attends school and is in grade two. Mary's mother died...
Mary Z.
Gender: Female
Born: August 15, 2008
Mary was born in Bont town. She attends primary school and is in class 6. Both of her...
Maseray G.L.
Gender: Female
Born: 4/9/01
Massah A.
Gender: Female
Born: November 3, 2010
Massah was born in Bo on November 3, 2010. Her parents are dead. She lives with her...
Gender: Female
Born: December 12, 2011
Massah was born on John Lane Upper Tailor Street in Wellington. She lives with her...
Massah M.
Gender: Female
Born: 5/14/01
Massah M.
Gender: Female
Born: 10/2/00
Matu L.
Gender: Female
Born: August 10, 2005
Matu was born in Bouthe, Bo District on August 10, 2005. Matu's father and mother died...
Maxwell T.
Gender: Male
Born: unknown
Maxwell was born in Mile 91. He attends primary school and is in class 3. His mother died...
Mayeni L.
Gender: Female
Born: 12/4/98
Mbalu (Ballu) K.
Gender: Female
Born: 2002
Gender: Female
Born: June 29, 2012
Mbalu was born in Mile 91. Her father died from injuries he sustained in a road accident....
Mbambay S.
Gender: Female
Born: Jan 01
Melvina T.
Gender: Female
Born: 5/15/06
Melvina's mother was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Memuna C.
Gender: Female
Born: 3/5/99