Showing 49–60 of 60 results
Osanatu T.
Gender: Female
Born: 6/16/09
Osanatu's mother was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Osman S.
Gender: Male
Born: 6/6/05
Osman's father was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Patricia M.
Gender: Female
Born: 5/1/09
Ramatu S.
Gender: Female
Born: 7/1/08
Ramatu is in class 1. Her parents died of Ebola Virus Disease in November 2014. After a...
Rugiatu S.
Gender: Female
Born: 4/1/03
Samdora K.
Gender: Male
Born: 2008
Samdora's parents were infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment...
Sarah C.
Gender: Female
Born: 6/6/09
Sarah's parents died in 2014 after becoming infected with the Ebola Virus. Sarah is...
Sarah K.
Gender: Female
Born: 9/5/05
Sarah's father was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Sia W.
Gender: Female
Born: 3/1/10
Sullay M.
Gender: Male
Born: 2008
Sullay's father was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Yusif T.
Gender: Male
Born: 5/18/01
Yuvone K.
Gender: Female
Born: 6/1/07