Showing 641–656 of 721 results
Samuella C.
Gender: Female
Born: 2006
Samuella D.
Gender: Female
Born: May 02
Santigie B.
Gender: Male
Born: April 23, 2009
Santigie was born in Mayolla-Lal-Raton. He attends junior secondary school and is in...
Sarah C.
Gender: Female
Born: 6/6/09
Sarah's parents died in 2014 after becoming infected with the Ebola Virus. Sarah is...
Sarah K.
Gender: Female
Born: 9/5/05
Sarah's father was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Gender: Female
Born: March 31, 2014
Sennah was born in Mile 91. Her father died from unknown causes. Her mother died from...
Sento K.
Gender: Female
Born: Dec 96
Sento Y.
Gender: Female
Born: 2012
Sento was born in Gbaima Songa. She attends primary school and is in class 4. Her...
Shaka K.
Gender: Male
Born: 8/25/98
Shaka K.
Gender: Male
Born: 3/6/02
Sheku L.
Gender: Male
Born: 9/8/00
Shekuba T.
Gender: Male
Born: Jun 02
Sia G.
Gender: Female
Born: May 99
Sia W.
Gender: Female
Born: 3/1/10
Sidi B.
Gender: Male
Born: 2010
Sidi was born in Zimmi Makpele Pujelun District in 2010. His father died as a result of...
Sidikie A.
Gender: Male
Born: 5/8/03