Showing 273–288 of 750 results
Gladys W.
Gender: Female
Born: Aug 2000
Hafsatu B.
Gender: Female
Born: Nov 03
Haja D.
Gender: Female
Born: 12/6/02
Gender: Female
Born: May 11, 2008
Haja was born in Freetown. She attends school and is in class four. Her father died...
Haja K.
Gender: Female
Born: 2/13/04
Haja T.
Gender: Female
Born: 10/8/08
Haja's parents were infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...
Gender: Female
Born: October 5, 2012
Haja was born in Jimmii Bagbo. Her parens died from unknown illnesses. Haja lives with...
Halima H.
Gender: Female
Born: 3/13/02
Hannah J.
Gender: Female
Born: May 26, 2009
Hannah was born in Kenema. Her father died from complications after falling from a tree....
Hannah S.
Gender: Female
Born: 2/1/09
Harding T.
Gender: Male
Born: 1/3/05
Harolder C.
Gender: Female
Born: 11/11/06
Hassan A Ka.
Gender: Male
Born: April 10, 2010
Hassan was born in Masugbay. He attends primary school and is in class 5. His mother died...
Hassan C.
Gender: Male
Born: April 24, 2014
Hassan was born in Mile 38. He attends primary school and is in class 4. His mother died...
Hassan C.
Gender: Male
Born: Apr 98
Hassan K.
Gender: Male
Born: 2009
Hassan's mother was infected with the Ebola Virus and died at the Ebola Treatment Center...